Viewer Comments
It's because of your first season that we took off to go sailing and meet new people. 45k miles later, we're more indebted to you than ever. Thank you!
Jim & Katie - Via Facebook

Thanks for helping us to move the dream forward. Whenever we watch the Shards shows we're inspired to keep moving toward a life of full time cruising. If you enjoy, travel, sailing or just well produced non-fiction television, this series is for you.
Genlack - Vimeo Viewer
Okay, I'm caught up! I've watched every episode (I think) of Distant Shores. Some of the most fun were the canals of France. Some of the most interesting have been the underwater photography in the Caribbean...I don't own a boat (yet) and I know nothing about sailing, but thanks to the two of you, I have an adventure each episode I watch. I look forward to many more.
RH via e-mail

Your series helped our resolve to get out there cruising and when now, after 3 years in Asia and the Med, we find ourselves back home and marina bound preparing our new boat for the Pacific, replaying episodes keeps our frustration at bay and reminds us of what is to come. Thanks guys.
Rob O Via Facebook
Keep on inspiring people Distant Shores! Well done. Watched your TV shows here in New Zealand and loved every episode !
David B Via Facebook

We are big fans of yours and got through the winter by cruising the Med with you after a friend loaned us their DVD set. Many a night we brought dinner upstair, plopped in front of the TV and went "Sharding". We have learned a great deal about geography, cultures and sailing, and hope to follow in your path some day...
N. D. Via Email
It's a sad day - we have just finished the complete DVD series up to and including Season 8. Loved watching every bit of it and found that it was great re-watching the episodes we had previously seen on Television! I'm sure we will watch the set again. The question is - when do we get the Season 9 DVD's?
Melva P Via Facebook

One year ago for my birthday I got the Distant Shores Super Pack. We have watched every episode - together. Probably nothing has helped us come together on a vision more than that experience. We have learned a lot, talked a lot, and enjoyed your wonderful show. This year on my birthday we decided to start for real. Myself, my wife and 2 girls ages 13 and 9, are about to start sailing lessons as a family.... This is a small step, but I wanted to say thanks to you both for inspiring us to get moving. We will keep you posted on our progress. Safe travels!
T.B. via Facebook
New To Distant Shores? You can check out this free Sample Bahamas Episode Here