Paris via the Seine - Cruising France
Coming up the Seine and entering Paris - It is a great thrill for sure to sail one's own boat into this magic city. It took us over a week but we stopped along the way. The weather has been perfect these last few days and we have just tied up in the Arsenal Basin right at the Bastille in the centre of the city. We will stay a few days and film for the Distant Shores TV show of course!
Best regards
Paul & Sheryl
SV Distant Shores II
Arsenal Basin - Bastille - Paris

Up the Seine
The seine is tidal until up past Rouen. Tides flow up to and above 3 knots and tides of a few meters make anchoring and mooring difficult. This part will be our last couple of days with the tides to contend with.

Then we lock through into the Canalized Seine river. There is still a strong current - we saw 2 knots and sometimes 3 knots...

Passing Chateau Gaillard
Richard the Lionhearted built this castle to defend against the French... Normandy was controlled by England at the time.

Not the most direct route
The Seine winds quite a bit from the sea at Le Havre up to Paris... luckily we had gorgeous weather. You can do cruises on this river and we passed quite a few large river cruisers (100 pax)

Entering Paris
Wow - from your own yacht entering Paris you see the Eiffel Tower for the first time!
Paul is obviously so excited!

Sheryl and Paul Shard
SY Distant Shores II
Best regards
Paul & Sheryl
SV Distant Shores II
Arsenal Basin - Bastille - Paris

Up the Seine
The seine is tidal until up past Rouen. Tides flow up to and above 3 knots and tides of a few meters make anchoring and mooring difficult. This part will be our last couple of days with the tides to contend with.

Then we lock through into the Canalized Seine river. There is still a strong current - we saw 2 knots and sometimes 3 knots...

Passing Chateau Gaillard
Richard the Lionhearted built this castle to defend against the French... Normandy was controlled by England at the time.

Not the most direct route
The Seine winds quite a bit from the sea at Le Havre up to Paris... luckily we had gorgeous weather. You can do cruises on this river and we passed quite a few large river cruisers (100 pax)

Entering Paris
Wow - from your own yacht entering Paris you see the Eiffel Tower for the first time!
Paul is obviously so excited!

Sheryl and Paul Shard
SY Distant Shores II
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