Cruising Around St Lucia
18/02/16 11:29 Filed in: Caribbean
The last week we've been getting the boat ready for the winter, and cruising around St Lucia. We had been home for "boat show season" speaking at Toronto and investigating Dusseldorf (click here for the blog on Dusseldorf). Back at the boat it was time for a tall cool drink!

Shopping local!! Almost everything in this dinner is local Caribbean… from mango, starfruit, tasty local tomatoes, lettuce and cucumber to herbs, and even the chicken. Olive oil and balsamic vinegar came from our last major provisioning in the Canary Islands (plus the Sangria) … Bon Appetit…

Exploring Pigeon Island overlooking Rodney Bay… then I swam on the prop and bottom. I was about 90 minutes cleaning off the barnacles from leaving the boat in the marina while we were back in the studio in Canada. Then it was time for a nice hike up to look over the bay. Distant Shores II is the closest sailboat in the photo. Nice anchorage!

Fun nature watching!

Rodney Bay with a squall coming over.

Down the coast of St Lucia from Rodney Bay heading to Marigot… this is a screen grab from my iPhone running the excellent Navionics Charting App…

Marigot Bay is VERY cute and very protected. A welcome respite from a windy Caribbean Day… This is the view out of the anchorage at sunset.

Plenty of nice restaurants to keep the crew happy!

Popular with Superyachts as well… This huge yacht is leaving from the inner harbour. The barely had room to turn around!!

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Sheryl and Paul Shard have now been cruising internationally for 25 years. They are sailing authors, instructors/consultants and the fun-loving hosts of the Distant Shores sailing adventure TV series (AWE TV, Vimeo on Demand). The Distant Shores series profiles the world's best sailing destinations and provides insights into the joys and challenges of living aboard a cruising sailboat. The shows are also available on DVD and as HD downloads.
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